
This is Real Life

They were beaten, their house lit on fire, and told to leave with a single picture as their only remaining possession. They walked 400 miles to come here to Busia where they worked for a place to stay. They know what starvation means for they are constantly facing it. Sickness is common and almost expected. They are rejected, looked down upon, and are stuck in a wicked cycle of what is known as poverty. They are refugees.

This is the story of Jen and William. Mother and Son who have went through more then I could ever imagine. In 2007 they were forced out of their home and have spent the last 4 years here in Busia facing horrible circumstances. But their faith in God is unbelievable. William, who is now 18 yrs. old, got sick with Malaria and Meningitis. His whole right side of his body was paralyzed from it. They turned to God and he now only has a little problem with his hand and with his speach. Most people would have gotten really angry with God and walked away because of what they have been through. But they have remained strong and have seen God come through in amazing ways.

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